Two Amys!

Created by Amy 3 years ago
A Poem For Amy 

The first day we met, you made quite an impression,
That lovely warm smile and a soft, kind expression.
Your back office walls were covered in cats,
You were one of a kind - there is no doubt of that.
Soon we’d share stories and many a laugh,
You were not just any old member of staff!
Never suffered fools gladly, you’d shout and you’d curse,
..but only if someone had upset you first!
Your love for your family and trips to Hong Kong,
Something you’d be eager for all the year long.
You would always bring back many gifts and some treats,
Pretty notebooks and pens and plenty of eats!
The many long lunches to your favourite places,
You loved being surrounded by fed, happy faces!
A generous lady and very kind friend,
You would always be there with an ear to lend.
When 5 o clock hit, couldn’t wait to get back,
To see your beloved boys, Timmy and Jack.
Your two little ‘toy boys’ who you would spoil rotten,
Just like us, they adored you.. you won’t be forgotten.

Love and miss you always,

Amy x
